
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

A few minutes we just had a call from Connie (one of the Real Life Team Leaders) and she gave us a great update on what the team is doing in Webuye! For the past two days the team has helped lead a youth conference for over 200 youths. Last night the team performed their drime called “Everything” and it was received quite well! They even had an altar call after the drime and approx. 50 people came forward – about half of them were kids!
The team said they are having a great time with the youth that attended the conference as well as the Kenyan youth leaders that partner with Alpha. Another good note – last night there was a revival service and Brad (one of our team members) shared his testimony in front of the entire crowd – what an awesome opportunity to share what God has done in his life. 
Tomorrow (Sunday) the team is headed to a local prison in Webuye. Please pray for not only their safety as they enter, but also that the hearts of the people there would be open to hearing about God. On Monday they are visiting a local school. 
The team is doing great, they are excited to be a part of this awesome ministry. Please continue to pray for the team – that they would have crazy strength to keep up with everything this week, and that the ministry they are doing would continue to flourish!
Great things are happening in Kenya and it is really exciting to watch God working in the lives of not only the Real Life Team, but in the lives of the Kenyans as well.
 To God be all the glory for the great things He is doing!!
More later in the week!

10 responses to “Webuye off to a good start!”

  1. Praise God. I am so proud of what you are allowing God to do in your life. Keep close to Him and He will keep using you to demonstrate His love to the people of Kenya. We will keep praying for your team here at home. Love ya, Aunt Rhonda

  2. It’s really good to be able to see what you are doing. I’m glad to read things are going well. Nicole, we miss you and
    are praying for you. I’ll be updating your folks today. Blessings to each of you for the blessed work you are doing. May the kingdom prosper!

  3. Way to go Kenya team! What great news that lives are being touched through your ministry there already! What a faith building experience for all of you. We will pray for more of God’s outpouring in Webuye, especially for your trip to the prison. What an inspiration you all are to us here at home, we are all proud of you. Brad, son, what can we say, except “we told you so”…(don’t you love to hear that from parents? – he he). You are right in the center of God’s will right now and we couldn’t be more proud of you! Praise God!

    Love, Mom & Dad

  4. Great job Brad. Keep up the good work and keep God as your focus…your number one source of strength…make that your only source of strength.

  5. PTL – it sounds like God continues to direct your steps…in many directions. Nothing is by accident! Every encounter you have is a devine calling. You are each there for a reason!!! Hang in there gang!!! Thanks for the update (Connie/Kim).
    Lauren, YOU GO GIRL!!! Love you <>< Mom 'n Dad and "Roberta"

  6. PTL – it sounds like God continues to direct your steps…in many directions. Nothing is by accident! Every encounter you have is a devine calling. You are each there for a reason!!! Hang in there gang!!! Thanks for the update (Connie/Kim).
    Lauren, YOU GO GIRL!!! Love you <>< Mom 'n Dad and "Roberta"

  7. WOW Brad, what an awesome opportunity to do God’s work. We are praying for you each and every day for your safety and a mighty work of God in the people of Kenya and your team’s lives. God Bless You Young Man!!!

  8. Hello, Team Family! WOW – What a variety of experiences! How wonderful! Thank you for keeping us in the loop. Know you are all ever close in our thoughts and prayers. Amanda, I love you. MOM

  9. It’s so good to hear the things that you all are doing! What an exciting adventure that God is taking each of you on. We’re sure He is working in each of you in a different and exciting way! Keep up the strength! We are praying for you.
    Katie, we send our love and hugs your way! Love, Mom and Dad