
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

   The team is doing great and have been processing through a lot about themselves the last week.  It started with an amazing prayer session that we had thursday morning because of the rain.  It was the time that every one of us needed with the Lord and to be able to speek truth and life into eachother.  It  was a time of processing, time of crying, time of happiness, and most of all it was a time of love for each person.  I can tell you personaly it was a great time for me to help me process through some things and to show me how blessed i really am. 
   Then on monday night we had a student led night where the students plan out a evening devotion or teaching time for the whole team.  Is what we are doing right now enough?  Are we looking to Jesus for wisdom and strength?  Are we giving everything that we are given by Christ and pouring it out on the people in Kenya?  This team is hungry!!  They are hungry for Christ and serving him with everything they have and want to show the people of Kibera that they no longer have to live in darkness.  They can live in the marvelous light of Jesus.  The love that the team is showing to everyone is unlike anything i have seen before.  When they are sick they are mad because they can’t be out serving the Lord.  They even made me question myself and analyze if I’m giving everything i have, or if I’m longing to have a even stronger realationship with Jesus.  We get comfortable with where we are at sometimes because we get into a routine but we don’t want that.  I read a great quote that says,  “If life was a river, then pursuing Christ requires swimming upstream.  When we stop swimming, or actively following Him, we automatically begin to be swept downstream.”   We can get comfortable while swimming upstream.  The one thing we have to take hold of is the fact that the speed of the current in the river will change and we will have to swim stronger.  When we are tired we have to swim stronger.  When we are sick we have to swim stronger.   We are swimming upstream with everything we have and are prepared for the current to change!!!!