
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The team has officially left on their first outreach. This morning they caught a bus at 7 am to take an 8 hour ride to a town called Webuye on the border of Uganda. We have partnered with a program called Alpha and will be helping with a youth conference tomorrow and Saturday. The team will be teaching, leading small groups, performing drimes and helping in any other way they can! They are very excited about this adventure and would appreciate your prayers! The rest of the week will be spent ministering in various ways to the people of Webuye. Please pray that God would use them in mighty ways and that He will stretch them in their faith! The team will be traveling from September 25th and will return to Nairobi on October 4th. 

3 responses to “Trip to Webuye”

  1. What a wonderful work you are all doing for the kingdom in Swaziland! We are praying hard for each of you!

    Barton Girdwood
    Admissions Department

  2. What a wonderful work you are all doing for the kingdom in Swaziland! We are praying hard for each of you!

    Barton Girdwood
    Admissions Department

  3. Dear Grandson Joel:

    How exciting it must be for you, and your team members, to be ministering in this way. Grandma and I pray for you, and all of you team, every day. You are also on our church prayer chain, which means that people around the world are also praying for you.

