
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Training camp has come to an end and the teams are off on their journey
to Kenya.  They packed in the bus this morning and were soon off on
their way.  God is at work in mighty ways in this team and we can’t
wait to see what He continues to do this fall.  The team leaders will
call us as soon as they land in Kenya and right after that, we’ll
post that here.  Thanks for your prayers and support for this team.

9 responses to “They’re off!”

  1. Hi Megan! You are all in my prayers! I am following your progress through the updates….I feel like I am on your shoulder. God bless you all! I will be anxious to know you arrived safely. God is good…ALL the time!

  2. Hi Joel!!
    We are all praying for you and the team, we know God has some major plans for all of you. Jeol we miss you already and we love you very much.
    Aunt Shelley

  3. Megan,
    I am so proud to call you my friend. You are truly an amazing young girl and I know that you will make a big difference in the world.
    I love you so much and I think of you every day!
    Good luck
    p.s.Don’t forget Hawaii in 5 years

  4. Hey Joel:

    Grandma and I are praying for you on your trip to Kenya. We are asking God to use you in a tremendous way with those you will be ministering to.

    We love and and miss you but know that God has a special plan for you.


    Grampa Hauskins

  5. Hi MJ (Megan)!
    I don’t know if you will see this, but we want you to know we are praying for you and will look forward to hearing all about your adventure and all the things the Lord does in you and through you these next few months. We are so excited for you!

    Susan, Jeff, Millie, Nate, Megan (J2911)

  6. Thank you for keeping us all connected,I love seeing all your smiling faces as you head off on this adventure.We are praying for God to guide,protect and use your lives.Lindsey,We Love You,Mom,Dad,Family and Church family

  7. Lauren, We prayed for you and your team tonight. We prayed that you [all] will feel the power of His Holy Spirit as you live, work and breath moment by moment…don’t waste a minute! Beeeeee yourself….:-) <>< Love U mucho.

  8. Megan! You sounded so happy on the phone! We’re so excited for you! We’ve seen your picture in group shots three times! You’re always in the back (of the bus, or in the dogpile group shot), but we magnify your face and you’re always smiling, except when your head was blocked out by a tray of barbeque, but even then, your arms looked happy!

    I’m sure you are soaking up every moment of this great experience. Don’t forget a thing, I want to hear all about it. I love you!


  9. Hi,Amanda!!! It looks like you are all having fun in this pic! Can’t wait to hear what God has planned! You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I know this will prove to be a wonderful experience since God is in control! I love you so much! MOM