
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Today was a bit on the crazy side as we went on a LONG tour of Kibera, the largest slum in all of Africa! We had 1 main guide, who works with the school AIM is affiliated with, and 4 others who walked alongside of us. The students were able to ask many questions and see life as it is lived out in this poor area.
As we walked through it was as if we were celebrities. Everywhere that we stepped the children would come flying around corners to come and greet us. They would ask, “howaroo?” and hold out their hands for a shake. Many of the team members have learned the term ‘sasa’ which is how we greet little children here in Kenya. The children would run away squealing with delight.
The students were able to visit both New Adventure School and AIM House Orphanage where many of them will be working and doing ministry over the next couple of weeks. You could see the obvious delight on both the faces of the Americans and the Kenyan children as they quickly made friends and began conversing as much as they possible could with the language barrier.
Tomorrow we are all headed up to Kijabe to see the Rift Valley and visit with some missionary friends up in that area. It should be a fun, relaxing day just before heading into intense training for Alpha Ministries and the youth conference that the team will helping with later in the week.