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Thoughts & Inspiration

I realize that packing for a three month trip can be overwhelming especially if this is the first time that you have ever done it.  I want you to know that I am here to help walk you through the process and create an open line of communication for this.  So I am going to post some suggestions and if they don’t answer your questions then feel free to email me at [email protected]
Plan on packing enough clothes for 7-10 days (we will be able to wash them).
Pack comfortable clothes for training camp (two pairs of LONG athletic shorts and t-shirts).
We are all going to be dirty at training camp so it is ok to wear the same clothes over and over.
I usually buy a 5-pack of t-shirts wear them all week and then throw them away.
(Girls)You will need 3-4 ankle length skirts, if you don’t have them buy them at a thrift store (Goodwill).
Bring enough personal care items (deodorant, shampoo, solution for contacts, toothpaste, etc.  to last 3 months. 
Bring shoes or boots that are comfortable to walk/hike in.  Be prepared to do a lot of walking.  We will be walking to all of our ministry sites every day. (15-30 minutes each way)
There will probably be sometimes that we will be sleeping on the ground or on the floor of a church so if you need a mat or pad to sleep on then bring it.  I usually use the $10 air mattress from walmart that looks like a pool raft. (Don’t bring a huge air mattress they are bulky and you will have trouble inflating it.)
As I’m listing out all of this stuff, if you don’t have it try asking friends or family or your church to purchase items for you.  There are always people that want to support you but they can’t afford to or are embarrassed to give you ten dollars a month.  Let them buy your sleeping pad or some of your ministry supplies. 
I hope this gets us started don’t let this overwhelm you we are all in this together.