
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The first few days of training camp have been very exciting but it definitely hasn’t been all easy. The Real-Life Kenya team is continuing to build their relationships based on unity, honesty and trust. They are thoroughly being fed by others, seminars on everything from children’s ministry to spiritual warfare, planning for overseas ministries, eating some more, seeing God show up in amazing ways through worship and just laughing together.

Some of our team builders are designed for the sole purpose of pushing teams to unite, physically, emotionally and spiritually. They are faced with (sometimes) seemingly impossible tasks but each time manage to pull through as one body and overcome fear and challenges together. We want to be a team that prays together and encourages each other… so far this team IS that and so much more. Every member is important and no one is replaceable.

Our first team builder was the obstacle course and one of the obstacles was the tire.
The object of the challenge was to get the entire team through the tire without touching it. The Real-Life Kenya team obliterated that obstacle, and as I’m sure you can see… had a good time doing it.

The team is also working on drimes (dramas set to music) right now and they are definitely a dramatic bunch!! We hope to post a video of them performing in the next few weeks.

For now we are pushing on and with our departure date approaching in 4 days we are all anxious to get going.

Please continue to pray for the team and their leaders:

for unity, trust and to be a team that is always focused on prayer.