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Sometimes it only takes one second, one moment or even one question to change somebody’s life. For me that is exactly what it took. You may be thinking it’s the question we all have at one point answered, either out loud or to ourselves, “Will you accept Jesus?” But in this case, it wasn’t. The one question that ultimately helped shape and form who I am and what I believe in, was “Will you go to the Rock House?” 

            It was the beginning of seventh grade and I was the “new kid.” Josh who asked this very question, was one of the popular kids, but you could tell something was different about him… he was genuinely nice. He invited us all to come to this so-called Rock House. All I knew about it was that it was a cool place to hang out. But instead I found something so much more. The Rock House was a building beside the First Baptist Church where the youth group spent there time in.

Before this, I had believed in God, but not until this moment had I been reconnected to the way I once felt before. It was as if someone had turned the light on inside me. And in the light I found that I had never been alone and there were others all around me who felt the same way as I did.  That night as we sang and worshiped; I remember closing my eyes and feeling His presence throughout my body. I had found my home once again and knew I didn’t want to let go. The question Josh asked me, has led me down an interesting and fulfilling path, but a path that certainly would be overgrown and hidden amongst the forest if it weren’t for the memories and the moments that has made the path worn.

As we go to Africa as a team I’m sure we’ll find ourselves asking that one question to many.Though there have been others before us and have made the path visible, there is without a doubt those who have never even heard about Jesus. And I pray that we have the courage to tell them what we know is true. Because, for all we know is that one question could change their life. In one second, one moment, or even one question, together we can change someone’s life, just as it did for me.