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My name is Megan Garrity and I live in Blue Hill, Maine. The best way to describe who I am, is that I love to laugh and I absolutely enjoy life. Even my license plate says, LV42DA: Live For Today. I enjoy playing basketball, soccer, and I am always open to trying out new things. One of the most interesting things about me, that most people don’t realize until I mention it, is that I have a hearing loss. I wear hearing aids, and they aren’t old fashion at all! They’re beautiful colors! I could understand why people would assume that this lowers someone’s capabilities, but for me it has been the exact opposite. I’m observant, focused, and in-touch with things that others don’t always see, benefiting me in the long-run. I’m so excited to get to know you, and grow with you all. Thanks so much! Live it out, Megan

6 responses to “Megan Garrity”

  1. Megan,
    I am from Indianapolis, IN and I am totally ready for spring!! I’m not a big fan of cold unless it involves snow skiing. I enjoy the outdoors alot, reading (mostly Jane Austin or Christian Fiction), and rollercoasters are a fave! Can’t wait to meet you, I think you sound like loads of fun!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Til next time…

  2. Hi Megan!!
    Its nice to meet you (unofficially, I guess)!! The part about your license plate made me laugh! I’m excited to get to know you better!

  3. Yes, spring definately here!! It is almost 80 degrees here. Last week I was in my very first earthquake! It was a little one, but its cool that I can say I was in one. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope some warm weather comes your way.

  4. HEY Megan!!

    Thank you, and I am excited to meet you as well! I can’t believe we only have 5 more weeks left till AFRICA!! woo hoo! ๐Ÿ˜€
