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Thoughts & Inspiration

How does God speak? Growing up, the topic wasn’t really ever discussed
in my church. Does He actually talk with a physical voice? Does He put
images in your head while you pray? Or does He just tug at your heart?
And through out all this, how do you tell if it’s God’s voice or if
it’s the enemy’s or your own?

AIM stresses listening prayer and ATLs (Ask the Lord) a lot more than I
am used to and theologically speaking I have some holdups about it that
I am trying to work through. I don’t want to put God in a box, because
I know that He can do so much more than I could dream. But it’s all so
hard. I have also been hearing stories of healings which I want to
believe, but there’s so much of my theology that says it doesn’t happen

As I think about these things I’m always reminded of the story in Mark 9 in which a man asks Jesus “If you can
do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” Jesus replies “If you
can! All things are possible for one who believes.” The man immediately
replies, “I believe! Help my unbelief!

I find myself praying that constantly. “Help my unbelief!” I hope that
by the end of this trip I have the faith to hear God and believe in His
absolute sovereignty in this world.