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I grew up in West Lafayette Indiana and attended a small Christian school till my eighth grade year and currently attend West Lafayette Jr. Sr. High School. I am now 18 years old. My privet school and Christian family gave me a well grounded faith, although, it didn’t become my own till the end of my eighth grade year. I went to a youth retreat with my church and for the first time Jesus Christ became true to me, I realized that I could have a personal growing relationship with Him. Throughout high school Christ has grabbed hold of my heart in ways I didn’t think were possible, He healed old wounds, and gave me a burning passion for serving others. My youth group has helped define my world view and has given me an amazing ground for my faith. The Lord has placed certain people in my life that have showed me the beauty and faithfulness of His love and through people and my passion for creation around me he has given me a better understanding of his character. The Lord has given me a rather amusing personality and I think I could use that for his glory! My desire is to serve others following the example that Christ showed us through his word. I believe he has called me to take a year off before going to collage and not only be tested, but to learn how to trust Him more. He has given me a heart specifically for the African people and I feel that is where I am being called to. It is my longing to serve so that others see Christ and not me. Jesus is the defining reality of my life and I want to share Christ to those who need to hear it.

4 responses to “Lauren Horner”

  1. Hi Lauren!! Its nice to meet you (well kind of ;))! What are some of your hobbies or interests? I’m excited to get to know you better!! Have a great day!

  2. Ya, I’m living in Martinsville right now, but I’m about to move to the East side of Indy. I went to a Biblical Counseling training seminar in Lafayette; its a nice area.

  3. Hey Lauren!

    Hope everything is goin good for ya! I’m excited I get to meet you in 5 weeks!
