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Proverbs 27:17 says: “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.”

 If you have been a Christian for some time, you can probably think of one person who has impacted your life for Christ. Either through their words or actions, they engraved in your mind an idea of who Jesus really is. I’ve known one such person and he has forever changed how I view Christ in my life.

Growing up, I was a very “religious” person. I was in church at one week old, I was saved at age six and I attended a Christian school. I was one of those kids that was at almost every youth activity that was held. You know the type….the “good, Christian kid” that did everything they were told because it was “the right thing to do”. That was me. I followed all the “God rules”, but inside I was left unfulfilled. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the Lord; but there was no fire or passion for my Savior. I did it all out of obligation and because I thought I was bad if I didn’t. I lived my life like this for 19 years never knowing what I was missing.

Then in the summer of ’06, I met someone who changed my life. I was out witnessing with a group of different churches, when I met Jonathan Ember. From the moment I heard him talk about God, I could tell that there was something different about him. He wasn’t just serving God; he was in love with God. He had an excitement and passion in his voice when he mentioned Jesus. After meeting him, I knew there was something missing in my own life. I loved Jesus, but I wasn’t in love with Him.

Jonathan and I began a friendship. He began telling me of the decisions that he had made in his life that had helped him cultivate an intimate relationship with God. As he began opening my eyes to God’s Word, I began to understand that serving God out of obligation is not serving, it’s duty. I realized that our love is more important to God than even serving Him. (Mark 12:33) There is a freedom that comes when we worship God out of a heartfelt desire for intimacy with Him. He will empower and awaken your Spirit when you come to Him out of pure love and devotion!

Jonathan and I have been friends for two years now, and I am still learning from Him. My heart and eyes have been opened to the glory and majesty of my Savior because someone took the time to make a difference! My challenge to you is be an iron friend to someone. It will probably change a life.

3 responses to “Iron Friend”

  1. Hi there. Mike and I think of you often and are praying for you and your mission. I’ve sent an email to you using your moms email address – hopefully you received it. Also, I posted on the main page. Nicole, we are proud of you and know you are doing a great thing. I was so excited to see all that you group has done and will do. Your life will never be the same. “To God be the Glory”! Lot’s of changes going on all over the world. Thank you for being willing to
    be the vessel God has called us each to be. Know you are loved!


  2. Hello Nico!!!
    It took me a minute to find your blog on here, but I was so excited when I saw your name! I miss you a great deal already and think of you often. We prayed for your safety in church tonight. I can’t wait to read more of your posts. I’m praying for you, I miss you, and I love you. Many blessings, my dear friend.


    P.S. Can I mail things to you?

  3. Oh My GOODNESS!
    Nicole i miss you so much. Church is just not the same without you. As soon as you get back we need to hang out. One of those late nights we had after the youth events we had, when you, liz, and I would just hand out and talk. I can’t wait to hear everything about your trip! Mike read your newsletter in church on sunday and it sounds like you are having the most amazing time! You are so incredible and I know you are doing amazing things over there, for the people and Jesus.

    All my love and prayers,