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How great is our God?! A month ago today I was embarking on an unknown adventure, God has most definitely done immeasurably more than I could have asked or imagined. I want to explain our Webuye adventure the last 10 days.
First, however, I want to intervene this blog entry for a moment and tell you a parable of sorts. One night while a young girl was sleeping peacefully in her bed, small, demon like creatures invaded. The next morning when the girl woke from her deep sleep she discovered that her body had been eaten and tormented. These small creatures that normally reside upon dog, cats, and other various creatures with four legs now felt the need to reside upon the girl. The small demons called fleas, in most cultures, had deformed the arms and legs of said girl. Now, feel no pity for the girl for there was a valuable spiritual analogy that came out of this parable. When life throws you fleas; spray them with deadly anti-flea spray and there will be peace once again! Ok seriously though, when things attack you in life, causing distraction, torment, harm, fear, and possible skin irritation, use Jesus Christ as your armor. He is dying (literally) for you to allow him to fight for you. Pray against the evil ones schemes.
Onto bigger and better things, the first two days in Webuye we held a youth conference. The first day we had about 80 ish kids and some adults. The second day we had 200 or more. We had sessions where we told them about Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and other branches of Christianity. One of the days we asked those in the crowed if any of them wanted to be saved and probably 30 or more came up and accepted Jesus as their savior! Needless to say God had exceeded my expectations. The third day we took an adventure to Webuye Falls, God gifted us with a beautiful day to rest and spend time in his creation. My heart was blessed!
The next day we went to have a work day…and God decided to have a church service instead! It was a good reminder that our plans are not always Gods plans! That night God gave us a sunset that his hands only could have created. Off in the distance there was lightning and the clouds were breathtaking! It really gave me a chance to hear Gods voice and listen to what he wanted to tell me! In the stillness and silence that is where you will find Him. Praise the Lord!
The next three days we held a pastors conference. Satan, to say the least, tried to foil Gods plans, But HAHA little did he know God wins every time!! Mmmhmm! Many on our team were heavy hearted. I had never felt so spiritually attacked before, my heart was very dark and I could audible hear woman screaming when there were none. However, this team God has placed me with helped fight off Satan’s evil schemes. You know when satan tries that hard to get to Gods Children, God has a bigger and better plan that satan doesn’t want fruit to come out of.
I am pleased to say that many seeds were planted at that pastors conference and fruit was produced! What a great God we serve, that he will fight on our behalf. I can’t even comprehend how much he loves us. Be encouraged, God is fighting for his children. One huge thing that God taught me in Webuye was that people are starving for something other than this life and Jesus is more than enough to satisfy that hunger. When physical resources are not available you can do nothing but rely on Gods provision to meet those needs. And in his will and timing he does! Praise be to God!

3 responses to “How Great Is Our God”

  1. To my flee-bitten kiddo….I love your analogy! And I was blessed by your lesson in life. Like the “mustard seed” God often uses the “tiniest” of things to teach us “BIG” lessons.

    It sounds like God continues to use you [all] is His perfect timing in the lives of so many people. I can only imagine what you are doing every day. You are so blessed to be there. They are so blessed to have you there.

    God Bless you [all] Love you <>< Mom, Dad & Robert (&Scamper)

  2. Great to hear from you Team Kenya! Lauren, sorry about the fleas. Oh how i remember those days! Are you sure they’re not bed bugs? If you keep being tormented, have all of your beds sprayed for bed bugs…those are fairly common there, unfortunately.

    Great update on what the Lord did in and through you guys in Webuye! Stand firm and keep allowing Him to use you. He will surprise you in powerful ways! We’re praying for you and your team. Press on!

  3. Hey Lauren!
    I’m so glad to hear what God is doing in Kenya! I miss you! May you know God’s peace, strength, and protection. I’m positive God is using you and the whole team. I can’t wait to here more.
    Love you!