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For the past three weeks or so a group of us have been going to the New Adventures school to tutor some students struggling with their studies. We spend about thirty minutes to an hour working on math, science and English with them. We are working with grades 6 and 7. We are there Monday through Thursday in the mornings. I personally have been tutoring two students named Brenda and Sharon. I love getting to spend time with them every day, they are sweet girls.  Let me; first off, say that tutoring was not what I thought God would have me be doing while I was here. I was taking a year off of school to kinda figure out what God wanted me to be doing because school was not my thing, and he is having me help others with school. Heads up, huh! The awesome part is I love it!! School has always been an area I never felt, as far as worldly standards go, “successful” in. However, God has allowed me to help others struggling, and needless to say I have seen some awesome progress in the girls. They are excited to work on stuff that they are having a hard time with, and what is even more exciting is seeing them get something I attempt to explain! I have definitely taken school for granted; in kibera education is often the only way to a “better” life. These kids have to do well to better their situation. God has used me in an area I felt like abandoning myself which is awesome. I have certainly been more aware about what a blessing education is. I still don’t feel called to teaching of any kind, but God has made me painfully aware, in a good way, about how much I have taken school for granted.

The New Adventures School has about 300 kids. Many of the children have to share text books and are packed into a classroom. They seem so happy to be there and the teachers are amazing. They have such a joy for the children and the Lord! It is so cool to see the Lord in these kids’ lives too. Many of them are saved and have a desire to know the lord more. Several of the kids from New Adventures orphanage also go to the school, so we get to see them every day as well. I have been so blessed by these children, just seeing the joy they have, living in the conditions they do. It has given me a new perspective that is for sure. God is good all the time, all the time God is good!

3 responses to “God Called You To What?”

  1. Hi Lauren,
    It is so wonderful to see how God is using you in the lives of those young girls! It sounds like a great object leason on how important an education is and how often we take it for granted in the states. It is always encouraging to hear how God is using you to bring others closer to Jesus. Keep trusting HIm! We are so privilaged to be praying for you and God’s work in your life!

    Love you lots!!

  2. Hey LAH,

    Isn’t it neat how God uses our past (whatever that may be) for His glory. YOU ARE MADE IN HIS IMAGE.

    Love you, BBY, mom <><

  3. Hey Lauren!
    Isn’t it great how God works! It’s so good to hear of not only how He’s using you to teach, but also how He’s teaching you at the same time.
    In our thoughts and prayers,