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Hey Kenya
team, this is Jason Driver, one of your leaders.  You can feel free to call me Driver, that’s
what all my friends call me.  I just
finished reading all of your “bios” and thought that I should tell you a little
about myself.

I am 27 and
have been working with and leading trips for AIM since I was 19.  I am on staff with them and currently I am
preparing to move to Kenya to live year round. 
I have a huge heart for Kenya and a heart for discipleship.  I want to invest in your lives and speak
truth into it.  I want to model a
lifestyle of faith that is real, radical, and relevant for today.  In reading your “bios,” I see that all of you
have an amazing potential and I want to see that potential set free.  I believe that the Lord wants to do great
things in you and through you and I am excited to see it.  As you can probably already tell, I like to
go deep with my relationships with people and I will not water things down or
keep things at a surface level. 

I see that
the majority of you seem to love the outdoors. 
I come alive when I’m out in God’s creation.  I love camping, hiking, skiing, hunting,
fishing, climbing, pretty much, all things outdoors.  All of you outdoor enthusiasts are going to
love Kenya; it is absolutely gorgeous.  The
Rift Valley will leave you speechless. I will try to make it a point to take
you all on a nice little hike or two. 
Well, if you have any questions feel free to use this blog and ask
away.  Also, if you want to know more of
my heart, you can click on my name on the contributors list and visit my personal
blog site.  I am praying for you all and
am looking forward to seeing you in less than a month.