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Thoughts & Inspiration

This trip has been absolutely life changing. I feel like God has completely transformed my heart for Him since I have been in Kenya. I want to share with you all an amazing way that I have seen God work. Every morning, Monday through Thursday, I go to Adventures School and tutor three sixth grade students in English, Science and Math. Wednesday and Thursdays are our Math days and Math is by far the subject that they struggle the most in. With Science and English, the schools are able to adapt them to their culture and every day life, but with Math, you know it or you don’t. It has proved to be a challenge with one student especially. When I first met with him last week, I was so discouraged. He didn’t seem to grasp any of the concepts I was teaching him. I was really dreading having to do Math this week and I have to admit, my attitude was not optimistic. Wednesday morning, I just laid it all at Christ’s feet. I poured my heart out to Him and asked Him for patience and guidance. That day, the lesson was about cubes and the different properties of them. God totally gave me an amazing illustration using a brick and I saw my students grasp onto it. My heart was soaring!I was so excited to see that I had gotten through and that they were learning. I know to some this may seem like a small thing, but when you see how these people live, you understand that education is their hope for making a decent life for themselves. It is the difference between clean water and contaminated, going hungry or having food on the table, a one room shack or a small home. This is their reality and it was an honor for me to help someone take one step closer to that. We are seeing improvement every day, but please remember the students in your prayers. We want to see them not just succeed, but excel.

11 responses to “Fractions and Faith”

  1. Nicole:

    I’m so proud of you. I know you are growing and your faith is
    developing in ways you never imagined. Everyone is missing you. The time seems to be going so quickly, I’m sure for you too. The work you and your group are doing is amazing and so
    honorable. (only if more of us were willing to go) May God continue to bless you and the work you and the others are doing. I can’t wait to see you again and hear of all your experiences.



  2. It’s a cold morning in Indy this 17th day of November. I thought about you all weekend knowing that soon you will be home. We are all excited to see and hear from you on all that took place during this special time of your life. I was telling some of the church members that you were a wonderful
    young lady before you left but I’m certain your life has been forever changed and the girl you come home being will be somewhat different. Life has been hectic, as usual! There’s lots to update you on too. Alise is now engaged and back home – can you believe that? Amanda’s engagement is off – it was very sad for her. Our church looked at a potential building over the weekend, etc etc. May God continue to richly bless and keep you in His loving care. We love you! Mike and Donna

  3. You are almost home!!!! I can’t wait to see you and hear about all your experiences.

    Love you,


  4. hey nicole its jess.we really miss you and we are constantly talking about wats been happening over there.we are all praying for you and cant wait to read your next emails!

  5. Nicole, I cant believe its already the end of October! The leaves are very beautiful right now,my fave. time of the year.Even though I wish you were here to enjoy it with me,I would not have you miss out on the lives you are impacting and changing for Christ.I truly long to be there working along side of you.You are a vessel being used by the Lord-a precious lump of clay you have allowed Him to fashion into a vessel for His glory.As the verse says,He who began a good work in you,will be faithful to complete it.I know you are finding who you are on this trip,it will help with future decisions-so exciting for you!We miss you,love you dearly,are so very proud of you daughter.Looking forward to hearing more.Praying Gods strength,wisdom,protection and power upon you and your away from home “family”.Keep loving on the people and esp.those little ones. 🙂 Love,Mom,Dad,&Em

  6. Hi Nicole!
    Vic and I are praying for you. We love you and pray that God provides you with the daily dose of strength and wisdom you need for each day’s encounters. What an awesome priviledge and responsibility to be God’s hands and feet to the people there. Remember, while you are creating memories from your experience there, you are leaving lasting impressions and memories with all those you touch. You are a sweetheart. Keep shining the light of Jesus. HUGS!!!!! Kathey & Vic

  7. Hi Sweetie,I was so excited to start my day with your new e-mail.I hated to hear of your sickness :(.It sounds like the Lord healed you and shown up in a mighty way!Praise God!Thank you for reminding me of “not keeping God in a box”!Satan keeps us distracted with the business of the daily grindso we must start the day with our daily time with Him.This was a blessing to me in a book Im reading,maybe on a “rough”day it will bless you.Last two stanzas of poem say,”Can we think it pleases His loving heart To cause us a moments pain? Ah,no,but He sees through the present cross The bliss of eternal gain.So He waited there with a watchful eye With a love that is strong and sure, And His gold did not suffer a bit more heat Than was needed to make it pure.”Nicole,were so very proud of the work the Lord is using you to do for these precious kids.What wonderful testimonies you will have! Were all doing well.Dad is busy,a good thing.Amanda is going to a baby BOY! Jess gets her sono right before Thanksg.Peyton has two bottom teeth:).She was very sick for about 2 wks.but is doing well.Life is still rolling along.The Lord is so faithful,and good all the time!Love you & miss you Mom,Dad,Em

  8. Hi Sweetie,I was so excited to start my day with your new e-mail.I hated to hear of your sickness :(.It sounds like the Lord healed you and shown up in a mighty way!Praise God!Thank you for reminding me of “not keeping God in a box”!Satan keeps us distracted with the business of the daily grindso we must start the day with our daily time with Him.This was a blessing to me in a book Im reading,maybe on a “rough”day it will bless you.Last two stanzas of poem say,”Can we think it pleases His loving heart To cause us a moments pain? Ah,no,but He sees through the present cross The bliss of eternal gain.So He waited there with a watchful eye With a love that is strong and sure, And His gold did not suffer a bit more heat Than was needed to make it pure.”Nicole,were so very proud of the work the Lord is using you to do for these precious kids.What wonderful testimonies you will have! Were all doing well.Dad is busy,a good thing.Amanda is going to a baby BOY! Jess gets her sono right before Thanksg.Peyton has two bottom teeth:).She was very sick for about 2 wks.but is doing well.Life is still rolling along.The Lord is so faithful,and good all the time!Love you & miss you Mom,Dad,Em

  9. Dear Nicole,
    Just wanted to say hello to you and let you know I’m thinking of you today especially. I’m so excited that you can be on this trip and truly an adventure; proud of you also for going. Have really enjoyed the articles/letters in your group.

    Grandma & Grandpa told me to tell you hello also and are praying for your safe return back to them next month. They are probably still up in the trees hunting, not sure what day they were coming back. Missed them at our church Sunday.

    Because of Him,
    Love & Prayers, Mary

  10. Hi Nico!
    I think of you so often and pray for you as the Lord brings you to mind. I have been anxiously waiting to read your blogs on here! I know you don’t have much time for email and all that, but I want you to know that I can’t wait to see you when you come home.
    I know exactly what you mean with the math lesson. Although my teaching here in the States is a bit different than what you are doing there in Africa, I still know that awesome feeling when you finally see that “lightbulb” when a student gets it! The Lord is good and I will pray specifically that He show you and give you wisdom in teaching these kids. I can’t wait to hear more stories.
    I miss you a great deal but know that you are there for a reason! Many blessings to you, Nicole.

    Much love and hugs,
    Elizabeth :o)

  11. Dear Nicole,

    Was thinking about you this morning when I seen Grandma & Grandpa back in church; safe outta the trees. Grandpa got a deer, thats all I know about that.

    Just wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving before things get crazy for me here at home getting ready for our trip. Going to my bro’s for Thanksgiving + a few days, 5 hrs away; not too bad of a pack job.

    Love & Prayers,