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Hey everybody, my name is Shaun Hoskins and I’m 22 years old. I was born in Dayton, OH on December 7, 1985. I did not grow up in a Christian family, and I’m also an only child. I lived a pretty normal childhood, and didn’t come to know the Lord until June of 2001. I have taken two short term missions trips to Mexico, one in the summer of 02, and the next in the summer of 03. After these trips I kind of went into a slump in my walk with Christ. I stopped seeking Him and had no intention of going back.  Then in the summer of 2005 I was invited to take a short term trip to the Dominican Republic, and can say, I had no idea what was in store for me. I ended up having to be a leader and was called into missions but I slammed the door in the Lords face and said no! I was not ready to give my life and everything in It to Christ.   It wasn’t until November of 2007 that I started questioning how I was living my life. I was not living it for Christ and was not looking at him for wisdom and strength. Then a couple weeks later I was asked to lead a trip to the Amazon Jungle of Peru. This ended up being the best trip I have ever been on. I was stretched far beyond the point that I thought I would be, and once again was called into fulltime missions. All I can say is I’m here now. I have traded my past life of living for myself and now I’m trying to live it for the Lord. For now, I’m here in Kenya until December, and hope to come back in January but I will have to wait to see if that is what the Lord has planned for me. Thank you to all my friends and family for encouraging and supporting me. Without your help I would not have been able to follow the call the Lord has placed on my life. Love you all!!   

4 responses to “Bio”

  1. Dear Shaun,
    I don’t know if you remember me or not but I do know you will remember the name Aunt Conn. I adopted myself to be your Dad’s
    aunt and I have never regreted it. WOW. Is he proud of you….. as he should be. That letter was wonderful and I am very proud of you also. Keep up the good work and just remember that God is with you always and leading every step you take.

    Take care and God Bless.

    Now I am your Aunt Conn also.

  2. Thanks for sharing your heart and your story here Shaun. I’m excited to see God continuing to work in mighty ways in and through you as you walk in obedience to Him. Press on! Great pic!

  3. Shaun, needless to say, your old Uncle Bill and Aunt Irma are truly proud of you. Being obedient to the Lord’s calling is the hallmark of a special and dedicated person. Keep your eyes upon HIM and HE will cover you with a glory seldom seen in others. God bless you my man. You are in our daily prayers; we love you and are proud of you. We will continue to support you in every way.
    In Christ: Uncle Bill and Aunt Irma

  4. Hey Shaun, There is noboby as proud for you as I am. You have grown in so many ways. You have turned out to be one remarkable young man that I am very proud to call MY SON. Love you so very much, and hope all of you stay safe & well. Your Mom, Bev baker