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Trip to Webuye

The team has officially left on their first outreach. This morning they caught a bus at 7 am to take an 8 hour ride to a town called Webuye on the border of Uganda. We have partnered with a program … Read more about Trip to Webuye

The Blue House

  Today the team went to Blue House church in Kibera. It was amazing! God is AWESOME! It is such a blessing to be able to go to Kibera and minister with the people there. God opened the eyes of … Read more about The Blue House

Listening to God

How does God speak? Growing up, the topic wasn't really ever discussed in my church. Does He actually talk with a physical voice? Does He put images in your head while you pray? Or does He just tug … Read more about Listening to God

arrived in Kenya

The team just called to inform us that they have arrived safely in Kenya. They're now settling in to their house and will soon welcome a great night's sleep.  The leaders that went over ahead of … Read more about arrived in Kenya

They’re off!

Training camp has come to an end and the teams are off on their journey to Kenya.  They packed in the bus this morning and were soon off on their way.  God is at work in mighty ways in … Read more about They’re off!

Our new family

  The first few days of training camp have been very exciting but it definitely hasn't been all easy. The Real-Life Kenya team is continuing to build their relationships based on unity, honesty … Read more about Our new family