
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The team just called to inform us that they have arrived safely in Kenya. They’re now settling in to their house and will soon welcome a great night’s sleep.  The leaders that went over ahead of time were there to welcome the team and other leaders.  They are thrilled that the team has finally arrived and ready to see what God has in store. 

5 responses to “arrived in Kenya”

  1. Hi Katie and Kenya Team. We’re glad to know that all of you arrived safely! We hope you will get some much needed rest and be ready and excited for what the next weeks hold. We are praying for you! Katie it was so good to hear from you yesterday! We love you.

    Love, Mom,Dad and Nate

  2. Hello everyone! It’s amazing to know that you are finally in Kenya. So much planning and anticipation – and now its all coming true. Your families and friends are very thankful for who you each are as individuals, and the blessings you are about to bring to the special people that God leads you to. Get some rest you guys! Hugs and kisses to Megan. Love, Mom/Beth

  3. Go team! Praise the Lord for a safe arrival…Kim hope your
    hanging in there and that all is close to some kind of normal
    soon … love ya lots – praying for all of you 🙂

  4. Hi Sally and Kenya team,
    Glad to hear you all made it safe and sound. Hope you all got a good night sleep and ready to go to work. I am looking forward to hear of the adventure you are all on. Take care everyone God Bless. Krausse mother.

  5. Brad,

    Sob, we miss you! We are comforted by the fact though that it is obvious you are having the time of your life as well as the spiritual experience of a lifetime. It was so cool to hear how God is “messing you up” and how he is building your faith through your obedience. Your heart is awakened! Woohoo! Look out Kenya, Brad and this awesome Kenya team are coming to love on ya!