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Oh man, I never really know what to say on these ‘tell us about yourself things’, but I guess I’ll just start with the basics. My name is Amanda Morgan and I am a native Coloradoan. I was born and raised in Loveland, Colorado (in fact, my Mom still lives in the exact same house I was born in). I now live in Boulder, Colorado where I am just finishing my Bachelor’s degree in Integrative Physiology at the University of Colorado. I am basically in love with anything and everything related to the outdoors. I love to trail run, hike, backpack, raft, climb 14ers, boulder, cycle, camp, play ultimate frisbee and soccer, and well do pretty much anything outside in God’s awesome creation! When I am not studying/doing homework or enjoying the outdoors, I love to hang out with my friends and family. I have three siblings: an older sister, Jessica, who is 30 years old; a younger brother, Jed, who is 18 years old; and a half-sister, Shea, who is 5 years old (yeah there are some huge age gaps!). My Mom is one of my best friends and one of the people I admire most, so I love to hang out with her too. I am really passionate about serving and caring for others in need; I especially have a heart for women and children. Currently, I am really involved with some local programs that work to provide health care/education for certain underprivileged populations. I eventually want to get my master’s degree in public health, specifically focusing on HIV/AIDS. My dream is to one day work and live internationally (hopefully somewhere in Africa) doing HIV/AIDS education and working with patients and orphans affected by AIDS. But I don’t just want to focus on the medical side of things; I also really want to be able to share God’s love and joy through whatever work I do. So yeah, I could probably add some other things too but I guess I’ll just stick to the basics for now!