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When I tell people that God has called me to be a missionary, I can see their eyes widening in amazement. The next thing I notice is their presumption that I have come from a strong Christian based family. However, this is not the case.

Growing up my mom sometimes dragged us to church, while my dad stayed at home. My mom, who was a Christian, had been torn down by being yoked (married) to a man who was not. Eventually those trips to church decreased and the family weekends were filled with dad and his buddies hanging out at the house and drinking. This lifestyle lasted until I was about 12, and my sister was 8.

Around the same time my sister and I started going to church with our friends. We accepted Jesus into our hearts and were baptized, along with our mom who rededicated her life. Now our weekends were filled with church activities and worship on Sundays! However, my dad was still in the dark.

We prayed daily for my dad’s salvation. I can tell you that knowing my dad was not going to heaven if he died soon was the worst feeling in the world. It weighed heavy on my heart and on numerous occasions created tears that were uncontrollable. I tried to explain to him what God was calling me to do, but being “lost” he did not understand. I needed an earthly father who could be a Christian leader for me and my family. God heard my cries and still he said “in my time”. So for 3 years I waited and prayed.
After some consecutive Sundays of my dad attending church, he walked down the center aisle. At that moment in my life I praised God with tears of JOY that were uncontrollable! Finally at age 43, my daddy became a Christian. I cannot explain how much better life has been now that he is a man of God.
I know that God can do anything and change anyone. He showed me that with faith and consistency, and in his time that my prayers would be answered. I now have an enduring hope for any lost person that they can be saved no matter what their age, circumstance or education. This experience has given me a stronger faith to go out and be a missionary to anyone and everyone.