
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

In 4 weeks you are leaving on your trip. 

You need to have your entire trip cost in your account before we can let you go on the trip.

If you have over $1000 to go then you need to spend some time support raising in the next few weeks. 

We STRONGLY suggest that you think of 20 people to call and ASK if they would consider supporting you in this ministry.  Here is what you can say, “In 4 weeks I am leaving for _____________.  I am so exicted to go and get involved in the ministry that Adventures In Missions has set up for our team.  We will be doing relational ministry.  (expand more on this)  I am short of the funds that I need at this time.  Will you prayerfully consider supporting me in this ministry?”  (Let them know how they can support you)  
We would love to help you with this in any way that we can.  If you have questions or need help in any way, please call. 

We pray that God will supply your funds needed for this trip.